The Softest Scrambled Eggs. Ever.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Okay, I know I said I’ve been baking a lot lately, which is true, but here’s just one more breakfast recipe which I’ve been meaning to post for a while.

They are the softest eggs you will ever eat.  Ever.  Seriously.  If you make them correctly, they’re amazing.  And they’re simple.  They just take a bit of patience, and trust me, it will pay off.

The Best Berry Smoothie

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

So...clearly I’ve been slacking on the food blog lately. I’ll blame it on a combination of moving to Lisbon, Portugal (my favorite city in the world thus far), work and just general life. Regardless, I’ve made many recipes in the meantime and therefore have a backlog of tasty dishes (okay, okay, mostly desserts) to share with you all, my tiny readership.

Now, however, I’m posting a tasty, but simple, smoothie recipe which I suppose falls under the breakfast category. Whenever I’ve made this smoothie I’ve gotten great reviews and people are always shocked by the ingredients, especially the one which makes this so creamy. Avocado. Avocado in a smoothie, you ask? Why yes, avocado in a smoothie.