Pisto Manchego

Monday, January 13, 2014

As mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to make pisto manchego, a delicious Spanish dish which is something like the French ratatouille.   Then I had a slight hang up and had to make the salsa de tomate frito that goes into it.  Now, however, presuming that in the few weeks since I left you with my recipe for tomate frito you have made it, I present you with the full and delicious recipe for pisto manchego.
 Made with lots and lots of fresh vegetables, this recipe is perfect for end of summer or fall when you're trying to use up all those zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, and bell peppers from your garden or CSA farmshare.  You can have it as the main course of your meal or as an appetizer served in a large shot glass or small serving cup.

Pisto Manchego (adapted and translated from Cocina Cayena)

1 zucchini
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
1 large eggplant
1 onion
100 grams of Tomate Frito
Olive oil

1) Finely chop all the vegetables into equal size pieces, in brunoise is suggested.
2) Heat the olive oil in your largest skillet or other large pan and add the onions. Cook until partly transparent.
3) Add the red and green bell peppers and the eggplant. Stir well and cover as you turn the heat to medium.
4) Finally, add the zucchini and the tomate frito. Salt and pepper to taste and continue cooking until the vegetables are cooked through.

Pisto Manchego (adaptada de Cocina Cayena)

1 calabacín
1 pimiento verde
1 pimiento rojo
1 berejena grande
1 cebolla
100 gramos de Tomate Frito
Aceite de oliva

1) Picar las verduras finamente y por igual, en brunoise.
2) Calentar aceite en la sartén más grande que tienes y estofar la cebolla hasta que esté medio transparente.
3) Incorporar los pimientos y la berejena. Remover bien y tapar mientras se deja a fuego medio.
4) Por último, añadir la calabacín y el tomate frito. Salpimentar y seguir cociendo hasta que todas las verduras estén hechas.