An uncommon post

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The beautiful garden leading away from the event in Ala, Italy (Photo Credit: Michael Babich)
Though I typically writes posts about food, I felt like writing a post about wine after going to a great wine tasting last weekend so I apologize to any of my readers who are sad there are no recipes in this post.  I'll get back to the recipes soon, I promise!
Through a strange set of coincidences, having nothing to do with the fact that I work in wine, last weekend I found myself at a wine tasting in Ala, Italy, a short train ride away from Trento where I’m currently living. More casual than most of the wine events I’ve attended, (read: I didn’t have to stumble around in heels at this one) it was still one of my favorites for several reasons. First off, it was free (need I say more?). Second, the quality of the wines at the event was top notch.  Third, I finally got to enjoy some wines from Trentino Alto-Adige, a luxury I have not been able to afford since coming to Trento because of the expensive price of wine.

Orange Sour Cream Cake

Sunday, October 6, 2013

It was an important evening for the Memeoirs crew.  After months of hard work at the Tech Peaks accelerator, they’d finally released the newest version of their amazing site which allows you to create a book from your emails.  If you’re an emailer, or know one, definitely check it out (!

To celebrate the new release we were having dinner at Ivan and Simone’s place (other Tech Peakers) and I knew that I should make a dessert.  I had some oranges on hand, leftover from something I’d wanted to make but never got around to, and decide to repurpose them for this recipe.